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Melissa Liberatore Adams

Moving Through Moments

From the book:

Jostling for Position

It’s a dangerous business

putting too many hens

in the hen house

One or two get singled out

pecked into submission

by the insecure majority

There’s rules you know

hierarchy and such

You must file into the

conga line and follow

Blindly without question

Strutting around exactly

like the other bitches

And don’t you dare

pay any compliments

It’s best not to ruffle

any feathers

Melissa grew up around Keuka Lake in the Hammondsport/Prattsburgh, NY areas. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in English with a concentration in creative writing in 2006 from Keuka College. During her time there, she was a contributing writer and part of the editing team for Red Jacket, Keuka’s literary magazine. For the past seven years she has been working in digital marketing. She has two beautiful children who also share a love for writing and reading.  

Moving Through Moments

is a 24 page hand-stitched chapbook - $8.00

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Moving Through Moments




Moving Through Moments


