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Springfed #64

Father's Curse
Eric Lochridge

Eric Lochridge is an editor from Rapid City, SD, where he grew up, married a girl from the other side of the tracks and currently raises his family. He earned a degree in journalism from South Dakota State University in 1995. His poems have appeared in Free Lunch, Slipstream, DIAGRAM, The Mid-America Poetry Review, Secondwind, Writer's Journal and The XY Files: Poems on the Male Experience (1997, Sherman Asher Publishing), among others.

From the Book:


He packed his suitcase
before dawn today.
Had the turntable loaded
into the backseat
and was carrying a speaker
when the kids got up.
Saturday morning,
he should have expected it.

They wanted to play hide-and-seek,
but it was getting light
and the Volkswagen was muttering.
Excited to see him up so early,
they wrestled his leg,
never asking why
he'd crammed all he owned
into that shelled VW.

Hand-stitched chapbook.
Six Dollars.

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