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Wreckage on a Watery Moon
Mary Mclaughlin Slechta

Mary McLaughlin Slechta's short fiction and poetry have appeared in many journals and anthologies.  Buried Bones, a chapbook of poems, came out in 2004 by FootHills Publishing.  An associate editor of The Comstock Review, she also teaches and lives in Syracuse, New York with her husband and two sons.


The green is in the bough     
A river of pearls     
On an ocean called Broad Brook     
Death's second self     
Dream analysis     
Dying quietly     
In possession of the walls     
My father was kind     
Bad news     
Where two trains collided     
Racing the median     
Lois Lane learns to pray     
Turning back to the wreck     
Dreaming Dad      
A serious setback     
The very thought of you     
A round     
Letting go     
What becomes of the brokenhearted?     
The funeral     
The man with his mother tattood on his arm     
Other fine houses     
Sore losers     
A fish tale     
Black Jack     
Morning run     
The rags of grief     
Telephone call from The Home     
The can of ackee     
Clearing a path     
Driving Lesson     
The time of death     
First poems, last poems     
The age of lead    
In mourning      
Our blue heaven     
Dividing the estate     

From the Book:


Trolley car tracks
slice the woods

like alien crop markings.
They lead in a single direction,

down to the lake.
A Ferris wheel hunkers

below the blue,
explaining nothing,

like wreckage
on some watery moon.


Sam has died
who sang my name for years and years
so long and beautiful across our yards
and thereby is forgiven
for making my first haircut
so very, very short.

ISBN 0-941053-84-9

Wreckage on a Watery Moon
is a 68 page hand-sewn book with spine - $14.00



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