FootHills Publishing |
the consequence of wings
(on angels and monsters
and other winged things)
Annette Marie Hyder
Cover Art by Merina Caulfield
Transcending myths and Gothicism, Annette Marie Hyder weaves metaphors of wings and flight patterns into a contemporary realm of love and living - something that is precisely real.
-- Yong Shu Hoong
Annette Marie Hyder knows the true spirit within the human airfoil, heart-shaped and located in that land between the corner of the eye and the top of the heart.
-- Jim Chandler, Thunder Sandwich
Annette whispers her personal-style poetry into her reader's attentive ears. Many of these pieces will remind readers of some of Britisher Phil Collins' songs. The honesty and candor give them both their unmistakable potency ...You'll find this poet's view of her world clear, penetrating and memorable. Annette indeed has "Wings."
-- Paul Tylor
Annette Hyder is a masterful poetic craftsman. Her poems are exquisite reminders of just how wonderful the English language can be in the hands of a talented scribe.
-- Michael Lohr
The Consequence of Wings was selected to be in the MCBA's (Minnesota Center for Book Arts) 2005 "Bookish" Exhibition, a celebration of over 100 pieces of original artwork, housed at the Open Book. The Open Book was founded in 2000 by the Loft, Minnesota Center for Book Arts and Milkweed Editions.
Table of Contents:
Oh What's the Rush?
You call me Angel
I don't want you to think
Dancing With the Minotaur
Chronos Is Coming
Dream Catchers
Pandora's Rebuttal
34 B
Two Aspirin
Three Songs for a Musician
(OK, they're really a linked poem):
My Daughter Shows Me A Real Live
Butterfly Cocoon That They Are
Observing In Her Classroom
And It's Like Being In New York City
And You Know How Inspiration Is
A Word That Can Be So Cliché -
Especially When Paired With "Butterflies"?
Craig Takes Me To a Topless Bar
and While I Am Appalled, Being the
Good Girl That I Am, I Promise Him
that I Can Make Anything Beautiful
If I Want To, I Can Take An Ugly Experience
and Turn It Into Poetry
My Voice is a Bird:
A Porque Story: How Fireflies Came To Be
Icarus and the Delicate Art of Wing Drying
tow · er (tow´ er)
The Demons Within
Time Of Darkness
From the book:
I toss my hair at
spread my arms to
the day.
I want to butterfly
from one moment
to the next
unfurl my proboscis
drink deep
have you
see through
the Ezekiel lenses
of my wings
you gasp
at my arrogance
in flinging
all those colours
(shimmer, shammer, hold me)
back in Sun's face.
ISBN 0-941053-72-5
the consequence of wings
is a 40 page hand-sewn chapbook - $8.00