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Allen Hoey

From the introduction:
        Hoey's suite of poems-arising in part from a visit to France, to the scenes of Van Gogh's torture-explores the myth in the most dramatic way possible, i.e., through the stream of the painter's consciousness. What a remarkable achievement! Even in our age of great biographical exploits, I know nothing to surpass this recounting of the genius, the inceptive mastermind, of modern art, done in beautifully written poems, which I recommend wholeheartedly to everyone's attention.
              Hayden Carruth


Introduction, by Hayden Carruth     

Provençal Light

After the Orchard:
          "Souvenir de Mauve"
The Café Terrace     
La Maison de Tolérance     
The Hospital at Arles     
In the Studio at
Le Tambourin     
Van Gogh at Auvers Recalls
     His Childhood in Brabant     

The Furious Eye

The Furious Eye     

Taurus in the Arena of Life
(Suite Mingus)

Mind Readers' Convention
      in Milano     
What Love     
Alice's Wonderland (Diane)     
Pithecanthropus Erectus     
East Coasting     
Tijuana Table Dance     
West Coast Ghost     
Orange Was the Color of
     Her Dress Then      
Blue Silk / Silk Blues     
Playing Time 6'16     
Track B-Duet Solo Dancers     
I Want To Be Happy     
Percussion Discussion     
Chelsea Bridge     
I Can't Get Started     
Passions of a Man     
Self Portrait in      
     Three Colors     
Started Melody     
Adagio Ma Non Troppo     
Interlude (The      
     Underdog Rising)     
All the Things You C#     
(God's) Portrait /
     Chill of Death     
Goodbye Pork Pie Hat     
Reincarnation of a Lovebird     


Allen Hoey was born in Kingston, New York. His first collection, A Fire in the Cold House of Being, was chosen by Galway Kinnell for the 1985 Camden Poetry Award and was published in 1987; What Persists, his second full-length volume of poems, was issued in 1992. Other publications include Transfigured Autumn, a selection of translations of Georg Trakl's poems, and Work the Tongue Could Understand: Sonnets. He currently teaches at Bucks County Community College and makes his home in New Hope, PA. He was 2001 Bucks County Poet Laureate and received a 2002 Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Fellowship.

ISBN 0-941053-66-0

Provençal Light & other poems is an 88 page
hand-sewn book with spine - $16.00

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