what hasn’t come out in the wash, is a collection of poems that reflect a myriad of late nights, sporadic streams of consciousness, loving, learning, heartbreak, healing and growing.

i grew up in oakdale, ny, a small town on the south shore of long island. writing has always provided me with an avenue to express myself and find my own voice in this mess that we like to call our adolescent years.

From the book:

when we were younger

we had the wind on our backs,

our broken-zippered jackets would fly up

as we flew down the only hill on long island

that same street we’d walk down years later

only to realize we will never be as invincible

as we were at age seven

overlooking the yachts, and the all too drunk

and all too white men,

the men who loved money

more than their children

their boats over their wives

this town,

i never really fit into

i was an odd-foot in a second hand shoe

old in worn in all the wrong places

i dream

of leaving no traces

nostalgia is a car wash

where you're sitting shotgun

front seat, let’s watch the water run

and then we’ll drive, take the scenic path

go back to the place we planted roots,

You’re born again, lace up your boots

feet are locked in, we’re off the grid

we're alive tonight, everlasting kid

and if we reach an the end in our road,

There’s a million places we could go.

the ocean’s breeze, or skinned knees

all of this is ours, follow me.

What Hasn’t Come Out in the Wash

is a 24 page hand-stitched paperbook with spine - $8.00

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What Hasn't Come Out in the Wash




What Hasn't Come Out in the Wash




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What Hasn’t Come Out

in the Wash

Theresa Marie Ferrigno