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North American Song Line
Christine Gelineau
"It is one thing to turn a bright and self-contained lyric; it is quite another to undertake philosophical, historical, even socio-political concerns in a poem that ranges from the first settlements in the Susquehanna Valley to the ovens of Treblinka, from the cry of the screech owl to the history of the gypsy moth, from radical prejudice to the musings on DNA. I am very impressed by her willingness to take on a big subject matter, to experiment with shaped structures on the page, and to marry metaphor to meaning."
Maxine Kumin

Hand-stitched chapbook.
Six Dollars.

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plus $1.25 Shipping and Handling ($1.75 in Canada; $3.25 other countries)
for each address sent to.

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FootHills Publishing
PO Box 68
Kanona, NY 14856

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