Judian James
Judian James

Cover Art by James Stephen Zoller

From the book:


Our very essence is in
Our words

Spoken or otherwise
Written or implied
It is in one's voice
That the soul
Is set free
Rendering us visible
In a most complex world

We are blessed
With words
To speak, to
Write, to read and
To share

With utmost care
And an open heart

We string another pearl

Judian James believes in the impossible.  She is a fan of love in all its incarnations, and would like to teach the world to hug more. She's energetic, enthusiastic, eccentric and definitely a morning person. Judian lives in a coastal Maine village with her husband, a native Mainer, where they settled to raise three sons over twenty-five years ago.
This is Judian's first poetry collection.

is a 40 page hand-stitched  chapbook.

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